时间:2025-03-07 10:41:23 来源:网络整理编辑:知識
If you've opened Google.com on your phone lately, you might have noticed it looks a lot different.。T
If you've opened Google.com on your phone lately, you might have noticed it looks a lot different.。
That's because Google's personalized news feed is now rolling out to mobile browsers. The feature, which we first saw last year, delivers a mix of news stories, YouTube videos, sports scores, and other content Google has determined you're most likely to be interested in at that moment.。
SEE ALSO:Your most Googled 'Can I get pregnant if ...' questions, answered。Google has launched similar features in the past: most notably, Google Now, the company's original personalized news feed, was available through the Google app and Android phones.。
But this。 But this 。newer 。
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Credit: screenshot 。
Credit: screenshot 。
Credit: screenshot 。
But it's not just about that empty space under the search box, either. As I highlighted at Google's 20th anniversary event last month, Google is remaking search across the board. Instead of simply displaying search results as blocks of text or static images, the company is throwing in vertical video, "evergreen" visual content, and even Stories -- features that sound more Instagram-worthy than what you'd expect from Google. But, as the company plans for the future of search, it's also trying to make its products more friendly to younger users, who might expect search to be as easy to navigate as social media feeds.。
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