时间:2025-03-07 11:26:24 来源:网络整理编辑:百科
There's plenty of frustration and a smidgen of toxicity around the marriage equality debate in Austr
There's plenty of frustration and a smidgen of toxicity around the marriage equality debate in Australia, as the country's government is tries to force an expensive public vote (a.k.a. plebiscite) on the matter instead of just making the call themselves.。
So why not solve the issue with McNuggets?
So why not solve the issue with McNuggets? Everyone loves chicken, right?SEE ALSO:Indigenous Australians the oldest living civilisation on Earth, study affirms。
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It's simple mathematics. The cost of a plebiscite could amount to around A$200 million, while the cost of a nugget is 64.25 cents at McDonalds, based off a 12 pack of the fried morsels.。
With the cost to fund a plebiscite, you could buy 311,284,046 chicken nuggets. That's enough to give each person in Australia 12.86 nuggets each.。
By that equation, there would also be $13 million left over for BBQ sauce. But if there's the option for Sweet and Sour we'll take that, thanks.。
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