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时间:2025-03-07 10:24:45 来源:网络整理编辑:綜合
That was a short run.。 Bill Simmons' weekly HBO talk show "Any Given Wednesday" has been cancelled a
That was a short run. 。
Bill Simmons' weekly HBO talk show "Any Given Wednesday" has been cancelled after only fourth months on the air. The final episode will air next week, HBO announced Friday.。
SEE ALSO:Ben Affleck goes on expletive-filled Deflategate rant on Bill Simmons' new show 。Despite Simmons' charisma and some viral appearances from celebrity guests, the show failed to attract the ratings to keep it on the air. 。
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"We loved making that show, but unfortunately it never resonated with audiences like we hoped. And that's on me. But I love being a part of HBO's family and look forward to innovating with them on other ambitious programming ideas over these next several years -- both for the network and for digital," Simmons said in a statement.。 It's not all over between HBO and the sports commentator. The cable network is reportedly still going to work on future projects with Simmons' media group, according to。Variety。
Variety。 .。This isn't Simmons first time dealing with a shutdown. He was the editor-in-chief of ESPN-owned。 Grantland 。, a blog covering sports and pop culture. ESPN did not renew his contract and closed the site in October 2015. In June, he launched。
The Ringer。
, an independent publicationwith a similar focus.。
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