时间:2025-03-18 06:30:36 来源:网络整理编辑:時尚
If you catch a foul ball with your beer cup at a baseball game, the only reasonable thing to do is t
If you catch a foul ball with your beer cup at a baseball game, the only reasonable thing to do is to chug the remainder of your beer.
A Cubs fan completed his legacy on Monday evening at Wrigley Field in Chicago during a game against the New York Mets. After successfully catching the foul ball hit by first baseman Anthony Rizzo, the man removed his hat, saluted the stadium, and chugged the beer. The crowd went "wild."
He is now a legend. These are the rules.
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Obviously, this isn't the first time a fan used their beer cup as a glove and then proceeded to chug their beer, and it better not be the last.
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