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时间:2025-01-18 13:10:44 来源:网络整理编辑:熱點
Looks like Donald Trump has gotten people to buy more markers. And, no, not just to draw caricatures
Looks like Donald Trump has gotten people to buy more markers. And, no, not just to draw caricatures of him—although that does sound nice and cathartic. 。
According to market research company NPD Group, sales of craft supplies have been up since preparations began for the Women's Marches held across the country the day after Trump's inauguration. 。
Those protest signs aren't gonna make themselves.。
SEE ALSO:Pete Souza joins chorus gloating over Trumpcare failure with epic Instagram 。
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The week before the inauguration, NPD reports, paint marker sales alone grew 34%. Other supplies, including permanent markers, scissors, hole punches, and glue, experienced sales spikes between 4% and 27%. 。 And since Trump shows no signs of slowing his roll, we don't expect protests to stop。And since Trump shows no signs of slowing his roll, we don't expect protests to stop。
[H/T: Hyperallergic]。
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