时间:2024-12-04 01:33:29 来源:网络整理编辑:娛樂
IKEA has taken a page out of Samsung's playbook and is selling a hot, fiery product.The mega-home go
IKEA has taken a page out of Samsung's playbook and is selling a hot, fiery product.
The mega-home goods store is currently investigating their stainless steel Blanda Blank serving bowl for safety after a man in Sweden said his grapes had caught fire while they were sitting in the bowl outside in the sun, reports The Local.
SEE ALSO:Ikea and Apple will use AR to make choosing a BJÖRKSNÄS even easier"I saw it was burning in the grape bowl. How is that possible, I thought. Then I saw there was one intense point where (the sun) hit the twigs, and that's where it started," consumer Richard Walter said of the incident.
In order to prove to his friends of the literal firepower of the bowl, he posted a video on Facebook of a piece of paper burning after he put it over the bowl.
IKEA told Aftonbladet, a Swedish newspaper, that it would do more testing to ensure the bowls are safe. The company clarified in a statement to The Localthat “many different parameters would have to converge for the content of the bowl to overheat and that the risk for this to happen is very low.”
We don't recommend trying this at home, but if you want this bowl to safely make a salad in your kitchen, away from the rays of the sun, you can purchase it from IKEA for just $4.99.
[H/T: Fortune]
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