时间:2024-11-23 18:06:29 来源:网络整理编辑:時尚
There's still time to catch up on Twin Peakslike a reasonable person. But you should really start to
There's still time to catch up on Twin Peakslike a reasonable person. But you should really start tonight.
Whether you're completely new or just want a re-watch (and I recommend this highly; you've forgotten more than you think), you've got 30 episodes (including the pilot), plus the film Fire Walk With Me.
That's 31 pieces of David Lynch's bizarre TV puzzle. Showtime debuts the Twin Peaksrevival in exactly 31 days.
See where we're going with this?
That's one episode per day for a month.
The pilot plus all 29 episodes of Seasons 1 and 2 are on Netflix. If you have Showtime, you can watch them on demand there. Fire Walk With Meis available to rent literally everywhere.
You can do this.
Start tonight.
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