时间:2025-03-18 05:24:09 来源:网络整理编辑:娛樂
Throughout the course of this election, Donald Trump has turned Twitter into his own digital battlef
Throughout the course of this election, Donald Trump has turned Twitter into his own digital battlefield.
The Republican candidate has made an overwhelming amount of insults since declaring his candidacy, and in order to really put things in perspective, The New York Timesprinted them in a sprawling, two-page article.
The overwhelming spread features all of the people, places and things Trump has insulted on Twitter since he began running for president.
Brace yourselves.
Though The Timeshas been keeping a running digital list of Trump’s insults on its website, this is the first time the publication printed all the entries.
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Underneath the categorized insults, The Times broke down Trump's top targets by month. The publication identified The View, Macy’s, Fox News, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Ted Cruz and Hillary Clinton as the unlucky recipients of Trump's most frequent vitriol.
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Following this morning's publication, Trump has already unleashed his infamous Twitter fingers again. Just this morning, he insulted Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine, the Democratic party and the press, claiming that the media refuses to reveal accurate poll numbers.
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At this rate, we can bet that The Timeswill probably have to update that list a few more times before Nov. 8.
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