时间:2025-01-18 16:07:22 来源:网络整理编辑:熱點
In Williamsburg, there are perfectly curated dirty dishes and cigarette butts on display.At The Spir
In Williamsburg, there are perfectly curated dirty dishes and cigarette butts on display.
At The Spirit House, a collaboration between Gorillaz and Sonos, fans can interact with the virtual band's world IRL while listening to tracks from their upcoming album, Humanz. Damon Albarn has described the record as, "a party record about the world going fucking nuts." And here, the experience is complete with last night's empty beer bottles.
SEE ALSO:Gorillaz take the dance party to a haunted house and outer space in the 'Saturnz Barz' videoThe first activation is an exact replica of the living room and kitchen from the band's virtual reality app with actual furniture, crumbs, and pizza stuck to the wall.
The band will be premiering Humanzahead of the album's release date on the app, but for now, you can stroll through their pop-up lair listening to "Ascension" with Vince Staples and "Let Me Out," featuring Mavis Staples and Pusha T.
Credit: martha tesema/mashableCredit: martha tesema/mashableYou're welcome to investigate partially used bottles of mustard, if that's the sort of thing that gives you kicks.
Should you want to sit down and get cozy, there's plenty of hand-selected reading material to browse through.
Credit: martha tesema/mashableCredit: martha tesema/mashableThe second room, with about 50 percent of the wall space serving as screens, is where the show happens. You can kick back and become fully immersed in the the world of Murdoc, 2D, Russel, and Noodle.
Via GiphyPlus, D.R.A.M. comes through.
Via GiphyVia GiphyThe third room is for product testing, where you can check out speakers including the Gorillaz's own custom, Twin Peaks-reminiscent chevron design of the Sonos PLAYBASE home theater speaker made for The Spirit House.
Credit: martha tesema/mashableThe Spirit House is open in Brooklyn from April 21-23 before it will move on to Berlin and Amsterdam. You can find more information and reserve your spot here.
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