时间:2025-03-07 11:19:02 来源:网络整理编辑:娛樂
Trump is going to learn the hard way what happens when you attempt to throw a country's favourite id
Trump is going to learn the hard way what happens when you attempt to throw a country's favourite idol into the political arena for your personal gains.
SEE ALSO:The first NFL game of Sept. 24 started with a powerful, unprecedented protestThe U.S. president is embroiled in a bitter fight with NFL players over their #TakeAKnee protest during pre-matches national anthems.
So he thought better to tweet a video from the 2012 Summer Olympics showing Jamaica's national pride and world renowned sprinter Usain Bolt, cutting a live interview as the U.S. national anthem plays in the background:
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"Even Usain Bolt from Jamaica, one of the greatest runners and athletes of all time, showed RESPECT for our National Anthem!" Trump tweeted.
However, his comment didn't go well with Team Jamaica, the most popular forum for supporters of the country's Olympic team, which sharply replied:
"Please leave The Boss out of your politricks"
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Bolt hasn't responded yet, but we're quite sure he probably enjoys the dry wit used to smash Trump down.
Better be careful next time you decide to play with "Lightning Bolt".
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