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时间:2025-01-18 18:43:26 来源:网络整理编辑:綜合
Fighting with your fiancé is no fun, but Blac Chyna has found the silver living: using those
Fighting with your fiancé is no fun, but Blac Chyna has found the silver living: using those fights to make money. 。
Chyna is currently selling a t-shirt on her website that reads "Are you still texting bitches?" On the back, it also features a natural follow-up inquiry: "Yes or no?" 。
SEE ALSO:Blac Chyna poses pregnant and naked on the cover of 'Paper' magazine。View this post on Instagram 。
No, these aren't fun questions to ask your friends and co-workers. They're actually a。 very。specific reference to a fight Rob and Chyna had during the first episode of their show. 。
Thanks for signing up! 。
Basically, Chyna accused Rob of texting other women, and things only went downhill from there — in true reality TV fashion.。
Don't worry; the two have since gotten past the argument. 。
BONUS: Can you find the hot dogs among the Instagrams of people's legs?
View this post on Instagram 。
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