时间:2025-03-18 00:56:30 来源:网络整理编辑:綜合
Warning: Contains creamy spoilers for Big Little Liesseason two.Aside from the fact Meryl Streep is
Warning: Contains creamy spoilers for Big Little Liesseason two.
Aside from the fact Meryl Streep is going to be in it, we don't know all that much about what Big Little Liesseason two has in store.
Well, now we know one more thing, at least: Meryl Streep is going to be in it andshe's going to get pelted with ice cream. A big towering cone of the stuff. By Reese Witherspoon, no less.
SEE ALSO:'Sharp Objects' is a must-watch subversion of the Dead Girl tropeOn Wednesday, photos of the scene being filmed began to circulate on Twitter.
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Just look at the focus on Witherspoon's face as she pulls her arm back to throw that cone.
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Well, the good news is we haven't been left wondering what happens next. On Wednesday night, Witherspoon took to Twitter to confirm it.
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So there you have it: at some point in Big Little Liesseason two, there will be a scene where Reese Witherspoon pelts Meryl Streep from behind with a large ice cream.
We'd tune in for that alone.
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