时间:2025-03-14 06:19:41 来源:网络整理编辑:娛樂
A TikTok trick we've known about since last year is regaining traction and popularity after TikTokke
A TikTok trick we've known about since last year is regaining traction and popularity after TikTokker @bigduke13entertainmentgushed about the hack earlier this month.
“You’re cold. You want to watch social media under your covers snuggled. But as soon as that clip is over, what you gotta do? Take your hand from under the cover,” he said, pointing out the inconvenience of it all.
There is a better way, according to the TikTok video with over seven million views. If you have an iPhone, you can program your iDevice to swipe on your behalf. And all you have to do is say, "Next!"
Step 1:Open Settings.
Step 2:Tap on Accessibility.
Step 3:Tap on Voice Control and toggle it on.
If this is your first time using Voice Control, you may need to tap on "Set Up Voice Control" first and get through a few quick prompts.
Step 4:Go to Commands.
Step 5:Tap on Create New Command
Step 6:Under "Phrase," type the word "Next."
Or you can use whichever command you'd like to use to trigger the scrolling function. "Done" is another good one.
Step 7:Tap on Action followed by Run Custom Gesture
Step 8:Under the "New Gesture" field, swipe as you would on TikTok
Use this area to simulate the swiping gesture that will run after you say "Next."
After adding the swiping gesture, hit "Save" followed by "Done."
Fire up TikTok. You should now be able to say "Next" to scroll through the social media platform hands-free.
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