时间:2024-11-23 16:16:17 来源:网络整理编辑:百科
If you've ever fancied working alongside a Game of Thronesstar, you might well be in luck.Everyone's
If you've ever fancied working alongside a Game of Thronesstar, you might well be in luck.
Everyone's favourite Stark assassin Maisie Williams has announced she's starting work on a short film -- and she's put out an open call for people to collaborate with.
SEE ALSO:'Game of Thrones' star Maisie Williams well and truly got us with this April Fools' prankWilliams' project is tied in with Daisie -- the creative networking app she co-founded and launched in 2018.
Here's the video Daisie's Twitter account posted on Sunday:
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"We started our own production company about two years ago with the hopes of creating our own projects," explains Williams. "We are going to be building a short film, and the best thing about it is we don't even know what it's going to be yet -- because we want the script to come from you guys."
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Williams and Bill Millner's short film is part of an initiative called LDN Creates -- a program from Daisie that encourages London creatives to submit to one of four different projects.
Williams and Millner are looking for a whole bunch of different job roles to help on the film, including writers, camera assistants, editors, and more -- you can find out more about the project and apply directly via the website.
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