时间:2025-01-18 15:58:26 来源:网络整理编辑:百科
Warning: Major spoilers ahead forCaptain Marvel.So you've just seen Captain Marvel. And you even sta
So you've just seen Captain Marvel. And you even stayed all the way through the end credits like a good Marvel fan. But you maybe need a bit of help parsing what exactly those two scenes at the very end were about.
SEE ALSO:Who's who in 'Captain Marvel'Well, you've come to the right place. Without further ado, here's what happens in the end credits of Captain Marvel– and what it might mean for Avengers: Endgameand more.
What happens:We're in the post-Infinity Wardays, as evidenced by a ten-figure "global missing" count on the wall of an Avengers facility. In a corner, Captain Marvel's beeper (which she left with Nick Fury at the end of her movie) is beeping, until suddenly it's not.
A few of the remaining Avengers – Captain America, War Machine, Black Widow, and Bruce Banner – gather to examine the device, wondering what it is, what it's doing, and why it's stopped. "I wanna know what's on the other end of that thing," says one.
The answer, it turns out, is right under their noses. Captain Marvel has appeared behind them in full superhero regalia, and she has just one question: "Where's Fury?"
What it means:It's no secret that Captain Marvel will appear in Avengers: Endgame; that was teased in the end credits of Avengers: Infinity War. But we have more context now. We know who she is, what Nick Fury means to her, and how he got that beeper.
And more clues about how, exactly, she factors into the story: It looks like Fury's desperate page to her in the final seconds of Infinity Warreached her in outer space, and she's back to help the still-living Avengers save the day.
What happens:The scene opens on Nick Fury's office, which is empty – or almost empty. Goose the cat jumps up on his desk and starts hacking and heaving in a manner that will feel chillingly familiar to cat owners everywhere. Finally, he coughs up the object that's been bothering his insides. It's the Tesseract.
What it means:We've long known that the Tesseract was in S.H.I.E.L.D.'s possession at this point in time (the 1990s), so this does not seem to be offering any significant new information about where it's been or where it's going.
Rather, it seems to be here just for fun, along the lines of the "drumming ant" scene after Ant-Man and the Waspor the Captain America PSA after Spider-Man: Homecoming.
In the end, all it tells us is that – as my colleague Ali Foreman put it – a whole lot of animators spent a whole lot of time watching a whole lot of videos of cats throwing up.
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