时间:2025-03-09 22:50:05 来源:网络整理编辑:探索
If you're trying to fill the Stranger Things-shaped hole in your life after the end of Stranger Thin
If you're trying to fill the Stranger Things-shaped hole in your life after the end of Stranger Things 4, a quick phone call to a certain West Coast pizza joint is just what you need.
Surfer Boy Pizza and its lovable stoner employee Argyle (Eduardo Franco) played a large role in Stranger Things 4. Argyle drove Will (Noah Schnapp), Jonathan (Charlie Heaton), and Mike (Finn Wolfhard) from California to Utah to Nevada in the pizza place's iconic yellow van. Then in the finale, Eleven (Millie Bobby Brown) "piggybacked" into Max's (Sadie Sink) mind from a pizza dough freezer. Who knew pizza was the key to saving the world?
For your own slice of Stranger Things action, call the number on the Surfer Boy Pizza van: 805-45-PIZZA. One fan tweeted that she heard the happy birthday song when she called, but I got a greeting from Argyle himself. It's short but sweet, and for just a brief moment, you feel like you're living in the same world as Eleven and co. So dial up Surfer Boy Pizza, brochachos — just be sure not to knock pineapple on pizza until you try it.
TopicsNetflixStranger Things
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